罩搖 (then the canopy shakes), zhao4 yao2
向上穿心 (going upwards and piercing through the heart),xiang4 shang4 chan1 xin1
墮落腰拼出 (drop down and thrush out from the waist),duo4 luo4 yao1 pin1 chu1
搖(shake) yao2
足蝦蛅彈 (the little shrimp bounces), xia1 dan4 ????
手收回搖胛 (get the hands back shake the joining point of the shoulders),shou4 shou1 hui2 yao2 jia3
右手挑墮下 (right hand picks up and drops down),hou4 you4 shou3 tiao1 duo4 xia4
青龍捲水 (a green dragon rolls up the water),qing1 long2 juan3 shui3
橫弓(stretch the bow) heng2 gong1